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Design Services

Design services of all kinds are provided with due consideration to the high quality of design and accuracy in work under the supervision of a group of academics who are professional in the field of design and with long experience in the field.

Design of logos and brands

The trademark is the title and the identifier of the company from other companies, and each company is distinguished from others by its difference and its trademark as the company logo .... is the visual cornerstone of the trademark and the sign of your company or institution is expressed through its logo and the logo is a symbol that carries a message Towards a targeted audience that distinguishes business from its competitors and indicates the company›s activity in a simple manner.

Delma company for designs,websites, domains and web hosting

Designing visual identities and publications

Visual identities are one of the factors for the success of companies and institutions in a dynamic market full of visual and written advertising elements. It is the possession of a distinctive visual identity. ......etc. All visual identities are designed in a harmonious, modern fashion, and is compatible with all publications .

Delma company for designs,websites, domains and web hosting

Designing companies and magazines profiles

Profile design for companies and institutions is one of the things that distinguishes the company from other companies as it is considered the company›s catalog and the company›s knowledge and work and the services provided by this company. The profile is one of the strongest means of marketing for companies, as we are working in Delma to design consistent and harmonious profiles with companies› trademarks.

Delma company for designs,websites, domains and web hosting

Producer and Motion Graphics

Productions and Motion Graphics, including TV commercials, promo, intro, badge, introduction, photo gallery..

Delma company for designs,websites, domains and web hosting
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